Friday, January 28, 2011

play time

almost every afternoon we spend an hour or two playing in hannah's room. libby loves hanging out in there. and hannah has gotten really good at playing by herself. she has a castle from mimi and pops that she loves, and she has quite an imagination with her dolls. here are a couple of pictures from yesterday.

something else happened yesterday that was adorable: when i went to pick up hannah and preschool, one of her friends walked over to her to hug her bye. sweetest thing ever. wouldn't the world be a better place if we all acted like 3 year olds? ;)

Saturday, January 22, 2011


my favorite time with the girls. libby sleeps so good at night and wakes up all smiles. we all gather in our bed and cuddle and talk.


Friday, January 21, 2011

2 months

had libby's 2-month checkup yesterday. she's grown to 12 pounds 2.5 ounces, 23 inches and her head is 40 centimeters - all of that is mostly in the 75th percentile. the doctor said she's looking great and she's hitting all of her milestones, like moving her eyes to follow an object and holding her head and shoulders up while on her belly.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

national champs!

i'm not a football fan, but even i think it's exciting that auburn didn't lose a game all season, and won the championship game at the last possible second. i had to take hannah to toomer's corner today to check out all the toilet paper. she really got a kick out of it. you can click the collage to see it bigger.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

top 10 moments of 2010

thanks to my friend, brenna, for this idea. last year was one of the most eventful we've ever had. it's hard to believe i got pregnant AND had a baby all in one year. we spent a lot of time preparing for libby, and soaking up all of the alone time with hannah that we could. so here are our top 10 moments of 2010 in no particular order (except for the obvious number one!), and a slideshow of pictures.

tim's birthday
we went to montgomery for dinner and a biscuits baseball game. the rainbow before the game and the fireworks after the game were added bonuses. 

hannah's birthday
went to the movies to see despicable me and then to dinner for pancakes. i think a movie and pancakes will have to be our annual birthday tradition.

trip to savannah, ga. over 4th of july weekend
our second trip as a family. it was a lot of fun to explore somewhere none of us had been before. we took a sight-seeing tour, did a lot of walking, visited the beach, saw some dolphins, went to a few candy stores (hannah's favorite), ate a lot of good food, and saw the fireworks. overall, a great trip.

white christmas
we had a pretty perfect christmas last month. tim had been talking about how he'd never had a white christmas but had always wanted one. he got his wish! we were all surprised to look out the window and see the white stuff.

potty training
no more diapers! we did it slowly but surely. and once hannah started school and saw all the other kids going to the potty, there were no more accidents.

first day of school
we made a last-minute decision at the end of summer to see if we could find a preschool for hannah. finding one that we liked and that still had openings was a challenge, but from the first moment we visited this school, hannah loved it. it was time for her to be around kids her own age, and it helped her mature and grow up a lot. on the morning of her first day, she looked so grown up. i was mostly excited for her, but also a little sad she was getting so big.

finding out we were pregnant
i had been feeling a bit off so one sunday in late march i took a pregnancy test. only because tim made me. what a shock to see that plus sign! quite an exciting one.

it's a girl!
it felt like we had to wait forever to find out if we were going to have a boy or a girl. i was so anxious to find out. on july 30th, at 19 weeks, we finally learned we would be having another girl. we took hannah to the ultrasound, and she didn't stop talking about it all day. although for the longest time, she insisted she was having a brother.

we got our families together and told our parents we were expecting another baby. after church, we put hannah in a shirt that said "this little chick is gonna be a big sister." tim's dad noticed it first.

libby's birth
i was so nervous about having another c-section, but once libby was (finally) pulled out of my belly, a wave of love rushed over me like i honestly wasn't expecting. i was overwhelmed by how my heart grew. i will forever be grateful for her.

2010 from julie cottrell on Vimeo.