Thursday, January 12, 2012

libby update

her favorite book is first 100 words, and she also loves an american doll magazine that we got in the mail the other day. she looooves baby dolls. in the 100 words book, she knows a lot of the words, but her favorite pictures are the one of the baby sleeping - she always says night night - and the one of the baby in the bath - she pretends to wash her hair. she'll bring me books to read and will sit in my lap and flip the pages and point. today we looked at a picture book that we hadn't looked at in a couple of months and i was surprised at how many of the objects she recognized this time that she didn't know last time around - shoes, sock, flower, strawberry, car, doll... her vocabulary is certainly growing fast.

she got another ear infection last week (in her left ear). she wasn't her playful self for a couple of days, but she's all better now thankfully. i took her to the doctor last thursday and friday for shots, and she started an antibiotic saturday. she is all better now and if she has anymore we'll have to seriously think about tubes.

she is MISCHIEVOUS. much more so than hannah was. libby tries to climb on EVERYthing, whereas hannah was always very cautious about things. hannah has a step stool in the bathroom, and the other day i found libby standing on the top step trying to reach things on the sink. scary! today we went to chick-fil-a and i took her in the play area after we finished lunch. instead of staying in the baby area she wanted to climb up the big slide. as soon as i would take her away, she would crawl right back over to it. needless to say we didn't stay in there long. here she is trying to climb onto the window ledge - really!? i've also seen on the baby monitor that she tries to climb out of her bed but thankfully her little legs aren't long enough.

she is still taking two naps a day, one around 9 and one around 2. i am still nursing her a few times a day before she goes to sleep each time. i was going to stop at one year but she has had colds consistently since november, and has been comfort nursing.

sometimes she will try to put a forbidden toy in her mouth, but she will first look at me to see my reaction. or she will try to do something she knows she shouldn't do and she'll look at me first with a big smile, just waiting. i wish i could really convey to you that spark in her eyes when she's breaking the rules. she is going to keep us on our feet.

she loves to walk around the house and look at all our pictures, and she likes for me to tell her who's in each picture.

she loves watching the tv if anything involving babies or animals is on.

she can point out her nose, eyes, hair, mouth, belly and legs, and will pretend to wash her hair when asked.

her favorite thing to eat is noodles of any kind and black beans. she could eat a whole can of black beans all by herself! she also loves most fruit. we had pineapple last night and watermelon this morning, and she really enjoyed herself with both of those.

*updating this post on sat., jan. 14th instead of making a new one*

yesterday libby started standing up in the middle of the floor without holding onto anything. she's not walking yet but she is standing up - isn't that the opposite of how it's supposed to happen?? she would stand up and i would clap for her and make a big deal out of it and she would dance and clap too. as the day went on, i would tell her to stand up and dance, and she would. she was soooo proud of herself. at one point, she did actually take a step. she's so funny, though, because if she wants to get to something she'll get back on her knees and crawl for it.

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