wow, this last month feels like both a second and an eternity. we've certainly been busy around here. libby is a great baby. it's funny how different her personality is so far from hannah's. i could tell a lot about the girls' personalities from the time they were in my belly. hannah kicked SO hard, and certain things (like the sound of the blow dryer) would really set her off. of course, i know now that that was her temper emerging! she was born with that little temper. libby was much calmer, and didn't really kick as much as she did just move and stretch. and for the most part, she is a very calm baby. she rarely ever cries, she's a great eater, and a good sleeper. sometimes she'll sleep for an hour and wake up to eat, but she can also go for as long as 4 or 5 hours. she mostly sleeps through the night, waking up just a few times to eat, but then goes back to sleep. she has three periods of being really awake - one the morning, one in the afternoon, and one at night. in the past few days she's become much more alert, so we've been able to lay her on the floor and interact with her a little. friday was the day where it seemed like she really woke up from her slumber and just stared at me and babbled a little. yesterday, on her one month birthday, she rolled over! from her stomach to her back. quite advanced, if i do say so myself. ;) we took her for her one-month checkup today. she weighs 10 pounds, and is 22 inches. here are some of my favorite pictures from this month.
right after we brought libby home from the hospital. hannah is a proud big sister. |
most favorite picture - what a sweet face! she has such a peaceful expression most all of the time. |
she smiles a lot but i've only managed to capture this small one. |
one month picture |
Her head is 38.5 inches?? Please tell me that's a typo because that sweet baby's head does not look that big! :-)