Thursday, September 29, 2011

mornings with libby

on the days that hannah gets to go have fun with her friends at school, i am glad to get some one-on-one time with libby. she's such a wonderful baby. she has such a sweet demeanor and she's just fun to be around. she can get really involved in her toys and will sit and play alone for a while. sometimes she likes to watch yo gabba gabba or the fresh beat band (she likes the music). every now and then she likes to rip up a magazine. some mornings she'll take a nap, others she doesn't. this morning we had fun playing in the living room, and then moving to her room for a change of scenery and to watch daddy cut grass outside her window.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

field trip to the library & fire department

yesterday hannah's class went on a field trip. first stop was the auburn public library.

then we drove to a nearby park for a snack. i just love how hannah says her prayers. it looks like she is concentrating with her whole heart.

then we walked across the street to the fire station. hannah was nervous here the whole time because she was afraid that something would make a loud noise. i don't know what it is with her and loud noises. and all the kids looked so worried while the fireman was putting on his gear and showing them what he wears.

then we walked to toomer's corner for lemonade.

and lastly to the bank, where they got to see the vault, and got a magnifying glass and a sucker.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

10 months

some of her favorite things are: banging on the computer keyboard, looking at herself in the mirror, looking at baby board books

her favorite foods are peas, applesauce, bananas and bread
her favorite songs are itsy bitsy spider and row row row your boat. sometimes she tries to sing along.

i think she's about ready to give up her morning nap. there have been a lot of days lately where she hasn't wanted to go down in the morning, but she's taken a 2-hour nap in the afternoon.

she says momma, daddy, and hannah, but her new favorite word is flower. i bought some flowers for grace's photo shoot a couple weeks ago and brought them home and put them in a vase on the kitchen table. when we would eat she would stare at them, so i told her they were flowers. she looked at me with big, interested eyes, like she wanted me to say the word again, so i did. after that, at meal time i would ask her where the flowers were and she would look at them and try to say the word. then i started showing her flowers around the house. i didn't realize until now just how many decorative flowers i have and it's making me seriously rethink my design scheme. but i am not exaggerating when i say that the past couple of days she's been saying flower every minute that she's awake. i'll walk with her through the house and she'll mutter "FLA" and stare at every flower. it's adorable, trust me. 

she and hannah are playing together a little better these days. i sometimes ask hannah to watch libby while she's in her crib while i take a shower. i watched them on the monitor, and hannah was in there singing and making her laugh. hannah also entertains her while we're riding in the car. i just love to hear the two of them laughing in the back seat together. 

she has started giving me bites of her food, and she likes to give high-fives. 

if we're all at home but she and i are in a different room she will sometimes call for hannah or daddy. she just started that last week. the three of us were playing in her room and tim was in the living room and she started calling for him.

if she's bouncing, you know she's enjoying herself. she bounces when she gets really excited and when she's eating something that she really likes.

and best of all, she's really generous with her kisses these days. there is nothing better than a baby's kiss. it's the sweetest.

i say it every month but i really can't believe 10 months have passed. i've tried to enjoy these days a little more with libby than i did with hannah. with hannah, i was so excited and anxious to see what she would be doing at every stage. it seemed that each day brought something new and it was fascinating to watch her develop. with libby i am just taking it all in, one day at a time, and really loving her being a baby. it's just going by too fast.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

after bath

bath time is one of my favorite parts of the day. now if only i could somehow capture that wonderful lavender smell and the feel of her soft skin...

these pictures were taken last sunday. she has been so happy, playful and funny this week. she has REALLY started babbling. she plays peek-a-boo with me, and SHE'S the one who hides! it's hilarious. she also gives lots of kisses and high fives. today she said a few words so clearly: dada, momma, hannah, and peek-a-boo.